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A Note on Personal Artistry

Every artist is moved by inspiration. Think about it. We are inspired by another artist's work, or their process, and in turn we come to create ourselves. It’s a common denominator in the world of theater. We are constantly inspired by each other and creating new work in an endless cycle that keeps the world of theater buzzing with excitement. 

The biggest reason that I pursue a career in creating theater is to serve as an inspiration for those who may feel that they could never be on stage because of their physical appearance. Being able to serve as a role model to other young actors also struggling with Alopecia Universalis and their personal image is the best way that I could imagine to inspire creative minds and diversify the world of theater that we live in. By showcasing our own individual attributes, we overcome the stigma of a physical aesthetic in the world of theater, and show that we can indeed be anyone, and create anything. 

I also have a drive to cultivate, teach,  and one day create my own company for young artists who may not have as much access to professional theatrical resources in their hometown. It would be an honor to help these students, children, and individuals find a professional path that they can feel prepared to walk down. To serve not only as an artistic inspiration, but an educational one as well. 

The overarching themes of inspiration and education have been what has propelled me forward as an artist. I simply want to see a kinder world, where art is made from the heart and received without judgement of appearance. These are the driving 

forces that have propelled me into pursuing a career in professional theater. There isn’t a bone in my body that wasn't created to serve the public as an artist. With this passion, and the idea of  artistic passion itself, the driving force behind my artistry is powerful. Life without a passion is a life unlived, and lucky for me I was fortunate enough to find mine in the world of theater. 

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